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Join Special Olympics Wyoming: Creating an inclusive & welcoming world for all!
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special olympics wyoming who we are

Special Olympics Wyoming provides a year-round program of sports training and athletic competition for children and adults with intellectual disabilities.  In Wyoming, more than 1,600 athletes take part in the program that involves the services of more than 1,000 volunteers.

Wyoming became involved in Special Olympics in 1972 when the first Wyoming Special Olympics Summer Games were held at Natrona County High School.  The first Winter Games were held in Jackson six years later, in 1978.

Special Olympics Wyoming is a non-profit corporation registered in Wyoming recognized as a tax-exempt 501(c)[3] organization by the Internal Revenue Service.  A Board of Directors provides direction, policies, and oversight to a small professional staff who manages the efforts of volunteers to implement the program.

Sports training and competition are offered in 16 sports. Athletes train and compete in the sport(s) of their choice on a seasonal basis.  Five statewide events are held annually.

The benefits to participants in Special Olympics include all those typically associated with physical activity and sports, but go beyond the traditional in developing skills that help build relationships among friends, family, and the community whether on the job, in school, or during leisure time.

Special Olympics Wyoming operates under a long-term strategic plan to drive the organization.  The ultimate goal of Special Olympics Wyoming is to provide training and competition to more individuals with intellectual disabilities in Wyoming in the coming year at no cost to the athlete.

Click here for more information.

A Special Thank You to Our Sponsors! 

McMurry Foundation
Daniels Fund